Podcasts about science communication
Listening to podcasts can be a great way to educate yourself. Here I placed some links to podcasts about science communication that might help you to explore the field.
Working Scientist podcast
The Working Scientist Podcast deals with practical questions you deal with as an acedemic. They also covered science communication. For example this one about how to get media coverage for your research. Especially noteworthy is this six-part series about the skills needed to explain your research to a general audience.
Episode 1: Science communication made simple
Pakinam Amer discusses the craft of clear storytelling and science writing with seasoned communicators and journalists.
Episode 2: Coronavirus conversations: Science communication during a pandemic
Pakinam Amer explores crisis communication and asks how well researchers have explained the underlying uncertainties to the public.
Episode 3: How to transition from the lab to full-time science communicator
Pakinam Amer talks to scientists who left the lab to work as full-time science communicators in print, online and broadcast journalism.
Episode 4: How films and festivals can showcase your science
Pakinam Amer examines how festivals, film, comedy clubs and virtual space camps can be ideal vehicles to explain your research to young people.
Episode 5: How to sell your public outreach ideas to funders
Dermatologist and immunologist Muzlifah Haniffa tells Pakinam Amer how art and poetry inspired her 2016 exhibition Inside Skin following a meeting with Linda Anderson, a professor of English and American literature at Newcastle University, UK.
Episode 6: How to craft and communicate a simple science story
Ditch jargon, keep sentences short, stay topical. Pakinam Amer shares the secrets of good science writing for books and magazines.
Onder mediadoctoren (Dutch)
Onder Mediadoctoren is a Dutch podcast made by media researchers. It is a briliant example of academic outreach. When you want to learn more about media and how they work, it is worth considering to subscribe. These episodes are discussing topics related to academic outreach:
Episode 1: De Deskundige
Episode 31: Wetenschapsjournalistiek
Episode 60: Popularisering van wetenschap
Episode 136: Weerstand tegen waarheid
Episode 141: Statistiekgeletterdheid
Episode 154: Gedragsverandering
Podcast over Media (Dutch)
In this episode of Podcast over media PhD student and influential media critic Madeleijn van den Nieuwenhuizen (@Zeikschrift) talks about her outreach activities on Instagram.
Kluwen (Dutch)
Can you be both a scientist and an activist? In this episode of the philosophical podcast Kluwen Fleur Jongepier and Lotte Spreeuwenberg talk about activism in academia.
Wetenschapper in Polarisatie (Dutch)
Very insightful podcast by philosopher and polarization expert Bart Brandsma. In six episodes he explains the dynamics of we-they thinking and teaches you how to deal with polarization as an academic.